A Fierce Green Fire
A Fierce Green Fire is a documentary about the importance of saving the environment and the lengths U.S. citizens go to in order to get the attention of government officials. Topics such as the toxic waste in a New York neighborhood causing birthing defects, and the destruction of the Amazon rainforest in the 80's are all discussed. This alarming film brings light to pressing issues that are normally swept under the rug. Hopefully, this documentary will spark something in the government. It already seems like it has.
A Fierce Green Fire. Dir. Mark Kitchell. 22 Apr. 2014. PBS. Web. 15 May 2014. <http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/a-fierce-green-fire/watch-the-film/2924/>.
I know the issue at Seaworld isn't technically an "environment" issue, but it's an issue and I think the planet would be better off without it. I watched a documentary called 'Blackfish' and was shocked at the tragedies there. Whales are so unhappy in their tiny fish tanks that they are beginning to go crazy and drowning their instructors. There are a number of different cases of whales becoming aggressive at seaworld, yet very few ever recorded of whale attacks in the wild. Additionally, Seaworld owners have traded dangerous whales to other locations and bred them to create more whales. I can't imagine swimming in a circle for my entire life. Ever since the movie displayed the horrors these theme parks, Seaworld has been denying the accusations. I'm hoping people won't be paying money and supporting Seaworld by attending their shows.
Blackfish. Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Magnolia Pictures/ CNN Film, 2013. DVD.
Climate change seems to be on everyone's mind lately after new reports of effects have been released. In a article by the Huff Post, climate change is described to be a big threat to our national security. People are now connecting the dots between climate change and the droughts/floods we have recently been enduring. It is slightly curious even to look back at the weather in Bend this past year...very different than usual; hardly any snow around Christmas and 85 degree weather at the end of April. The scariest part mentioned in the article is that most Americans aren't too concerned yet of what our future planet could look like. I like this assignment because secretly I truly am passionate about this topic. If the world doesn't start making some sacrifices, who knows what kind of place Earth will turn into.
Gerken, James. "Climate Change is a Growing National Security Concern, Say Retired Military Leaders." Huffington Post. HPMG News, 14 May 2014. Web. 15 May 2014. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/14/climate-change-national-security_n_5323148.html>.
I would like Americans to examine a few things they could go without in their lives like leaving the water running or riding a bike instead of driving to the store. If each U.S. citizen, or even citizen of the world cut back a little bit, we would all be in a step towards the right direction. Rising CO2 levels is a really big deal and I just hope we can figure it out before we lose what we can't get back.
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