Monday, December 2, 2013

Ronald Lee Wyden

Ron Wyden was born in Wichita, Kansas on May 3, 1949. His parents were Jews who fled Germany after the Nazis took over. He spent most of his childhood in Palo Alto, California and went to three different colleges to be educated: University of California, Santa Barbara, Stanford University, and University of Oregon Law. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 1980 and was popular amongst voters. Wyden ran for state senate in 1996 and has been involved ever since.

Committees Wyden is involved in:
Committee of Energy and Natural Resources
Select Committee on Intelligence
Special Committee on Aging
Joint Committee on Taxation
Committee on Finance
Committee on the Budget

On the issue of Libya, Senator Wyden supported U.S. intervention. However, he did not want U.S. soldiers on the ground and instead supported the no-fly zone. Back in 2002, he did not support the President's decision to send troops to Iraq and ended up being one of the few senators to vote the troops come home. Wyden supports legalizing abortion and gun control. In 2001, Wyden promoted the College Tuition Savings Act to prevent taxation on tuition money, which soon became a law. In 2008, he worked with the biking community to give prevent taxes on those who commute by means of a bicycle.

1) What exactly did the no-fly zone include over in Libya?
2) Have the grants distributed to benefit victims of sex trafficking helped the situation?
3) Being so heavily involved in privacy security, what are your thoughts about the internets expansion in face identification and tracking users?

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